Sport unites! Even more successful as a team.
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The increasing hectic pace of our times often leads to employees being stressed and demotivated and sometimes even regularly absent. This is often due to the fact that many people have difficulty finding the right balance between their private and professional lives. The boundaries between work and leisure are blurring and constant availability leads to a constant burden. In order to promote the productivity and well-being of our employees, it is important to raise awareness of these challenges and offer targeted measures, such as regular sports lessons, to promote work-life balance.
Firmenfitness anfragenBy implementing corporate fitness, you can not only promote the health of your employees, but also bring about a positive turnaround in the company's key figures. Larger companies have already recognized that this simple way leads to greater satisfaction and company success. You too can benefit from this healthy and sustainable method of experiencing success. Our proven programs not only strengthen team commitment, but also increase general morale and productivity. Let's work together to set out on the path to a vital and successful future for your company!
Firmenfitness anfragenHow does it feel with us?
Feel it.
Geringerer Teamzusammenhalt
Mangelnde Motivation
Verpasste Mitarbeiterbindung
Attraktivität als Arbeitgeber
~Anna, 31
Anna had initially avoided sports, but after overcoming her inner demons, she remained disciplined and lost 14 kg in a short time .
She recommends Crossfit as
~Ancheles, 34
He recommends Crossfit for
~Claudia, 33
Claudia was previously in the gym and wanted to try something new.
She recommends Crossfit
Our vision is to create not just a workplace, but a vibrant community in which every employee can grow not only professionally but also personally. Through targeted CrossFit programs and a supportive environment, we strive to optimize the well-being of our employees, reduce stress and thus promote a positive work-life balance. By focusing on physical and mental health, we not only want to increase individual performance, but also create an atmosphere in which team spirit, creativity and long-term success can flourish.
Firmenfitness anfragenCrossFit ist ein funktionales Training, das immer von einem Trainer begleitet und betreut wird. Im Gegensatz zum Training im Fitnessstudio ist der Trainer hier wesentlich. Er sorgt dafür, dass die Teilnehmer während der gesamten Trainingseinheit motiviert bleiben und die richtige Haltung einnehmen. Das abwechslungsreiche, flexible und ganzheitliche Training trainiert den gesamten Körper. Dies lässt nicht nur die Muskeln wachsen, sondern stärkt auch die Sehnen und Bänder. Dadurch können sie härterem Training ohne Verletzungen standhalten, und das Training kann jedes Mal gesteigert werden, sodass du dein Ziel schneller erreichst
Der Hauptgrund, CrossFit zu machen, sollte die Zufriedenheit mit dir selbst sein. Als CrossFitter brauchst du dich nicht mit dem Aussehen anderer zu vergleichen oder unrealistischen Bildern im Internet nachzujagen, denn regelmässiges Training hält dich mental und körperlich gesund und hilft dir, ein positives Selbstbild zu entwickeln.
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